Engaged as a lawyer in the defense of human rights defenders, a warrior for human dignity, and an abolitionist activist, I benefited from the Respite (Répit) program, which allowed me to be exfiltrated at a time when I was beginning to lose hope, overwhelmed by a sense of failure in my mission to defend human rights and their defenders. These defenders operate in a particular context of a state of siege, notably marked by the lifting of the moratorium on the death penalty, which led to me being sought after for my non-engagement and stance on this issue.
This innovative program, although described as a "respite" by the Paris Bar Association, was much more than a simple respite for me. In reality, it was a true panacea. During the month and a half I spent in the French capital, I not only had the opportunity to distance myself from the danger in my country—a genuine exfiltration—and to expand my professional network, but I was also treated and healed of my emotional and inner wounds. This program allowed me to rearm myself further in my mission through its various branches, including assistance, psychological support, and the reinforcement of physical and digital security.
Upon my departure, I realized that my life had changed: there is a before and after the Répit program of the Paris Bar Association. I felt not only liberated but also strengthened, as if I were now vaccinated and immune. In 45 days, this program gave me more than what a thousand other experiences could have offered me.
I am deeply grateful to the Paris Bar Association for this wonderful initiative and hope that it will benefit even more of my fellow human rights lawyers. For if we come out strengthened by hundreds, we are worth thousands of warriors in ourselves. VS