GB - Olivia Rajerison

Victim of death threats and various forms of intimidation for defending a sensitive case, I was the first participant of the Respite program in November 2021. This one-month stay in Paris allowed me to rest, recharge, and regain strength in a safe environment in a particularly beautiful city. After long months of being constantly on alert, I was finally able to feel safe and work peacefully. The program team was incredibly kind, and I truly experienced what solidarity and fellowship are.
I was also able to meet lawyers from other countries, benefit from their experiences, and forge lasting connections. Meetings with authorities allowed me to make progress and find leads for resolving my difficult case. This program gave me the energy and motivation necessary to continue my battles. I returned to my country determined to keep defending human rights. The Respite program has thus been an essential breath of fresh air for me. I highly recommend it to all lawyers facing danger in their profession in their own country.